Author: Team bitgrit

New User Profiles are LIVE on bitgrit
News Users are now able to customize how the bitgrit world sees them Things at bitgrit just got a whole lot better. Recently, the team launched a new ...

bitgrit and CrowdPlat partner to host an AI competition for NCATS
bitgrit and CrowdPlat partner to host an AI competition for NCATS This competition is part of the NASA Tournament Lab and hosted by NCBI, NCATS a...

Reaching 30,000 community members!
Reaching 30,000 community members! A journey through bitgrit’s past. Introduction. We’re very happy to announce that our community has reached ove...

Why Data Scientists Should Get Involved with AI Competitions
Looking back at Atrae and bitgrit’s “#SwipeToSuccess” Competition. Reflections and Insights Last year, we hosted the “#SwipeToSuccess” compe...
Using Data Science to Predict Video Popularity | Winner’s Interview with José Joaquim
Winner Interview Using Data Science to Predict Video Popularity | Winner’s Interview with José Joaquim Insights from our Data Science Competit...
Using Data Science to Predict Video Popularity | Winner’s Interview with Kazeem Hakeem
Winner Interview Using Data Science to Predict Video Popularity | Winner’s Interview with Kazeem Hakeem Insights from our Data Science Competit...
Atrae Partners with bitgrit to Launch a New AI Competition Online
News Atrae Partners with bitgrit to Launch a New AI Competition Online Japanese startups Atrae and bitgrit partner for an online competition, inviting...

The First Round of IIT and bitgrit’s Data Science Contest Wraps Up
The First Round of IIT and bitgrit’s Data Science Contest Wraps Up The first round of Inter IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Tech Meet 2019...

Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting + bitgrit Announce Collaboration
Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting and bitgrit announce collaboration Using cutting-edge technologies and a community dedicated to IT engineers, t...